Minerals are an important component of our diets, and they are often overlooked. Some essential minerals, like iron, magnesium, and calcium, are often mentioned in the […]
Ancient Astronaut Theorists claim that, in the distant past, the advanced extraterrestrial beings once came to Earth in search of gold, and influenced our civilization to […]
This article will presume you have a basic knowledge of the pineal gland and its functions……but for those that don’t, it’s the mystical endocrine gland in the […]
Have you heard of mono-atomic elements? The answer may very likely be ‘no’ as word of these amazing molecules seems not to have gone mainstream even […]
The importance of trace minerals in the human body aren’t discussed as frequently as the importance of vitamins is, but without minerals, vitamins couldn’t do their […]
There are two main types of monatomic gold, which are natural monatomic gold and synthetic monatomic gold. The natural version of white powder gold can only […]
Our pineal gland is an important part of our awakening and a healthy pineal gland heighten our perception of reality causing us to become closer to […]