About Us

Star Food with Monatomic Gold is brought to you by Atomic Health, our key focus is to help you to make a significant difference to your health.

We are the sole UK Importer and distributor for high-quality natural products. Therefore our aim is to ensure that we only provide formulations that work, backed by solid research, made to the highest manufacturing standards.

Many of the products we supply are exclusive to us and only available due to our close relationship with links in Australia, America and Europe.

All products are natural and effective and always in stock. Plus they’re backed by our first class customer service and fast delivery.

We aim to have every customer a happy one and fully satisfied and value all custom no matter how small or often the order.

To support your business we offer a friendly service, same day shipping on orders received before 2pm, profitable margins, free product promotions and product samples.

Lastly Atomic Health is a family business ­and that matters because the guiding principles – focusing on health outcomes – still hold true. We are careful to work with partners who share our vision of real health care.

You are always warmly welcome at Atomic Health and our family.

Benefits of Use

Poor Nutrition Equals Poor Health & Vitality

What you feed your body reflects itself in the quality of your health and vitality. It is well recognized today that the average Western diet is seriously lacking in essential good nutrients and vital life force from living foods. As a result, the majority of people suffer from some form of malnutrition without realising it which at the extreme level, includes often avoidable conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also called M E), Diabetes, Asthma, Coronary Heart Disease, Indigestion and even Cancer, to name but a few. People all too often fail to consider the relationship between diet and health.

Let Food be Thy Medicine

All is not doom-and-gloom however, as your body and spirit, if given a regular balanced nutritional intake, maintains good health naturally so the conditions above do not develop. The problem can be easily addressed by adding Star Food with naturally sourced Monatomic Gold to your daily diet. This gives your mind, body and spirit the specific nutrition they each need.


What is Star Food?

Star Food is a unique product which provides nourishment for Mind body and spirit.

We all now know that good nutrition is essential to good health. Star Food with Monatomic Gold certainly addresses this point.

The best way to take and absorb Monatomic Gold is along with other Natural Wholefoods so the body doesn’t reject it.

Most researches who have studied the properties of monatomic elements believe they are one and the same as “White Gold,” “Manna” and the “Philosophers’ Stone” that are recorded in various ancient documents and text. The Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to a hyper-dimensional realm called the Field of Mfkzt, which is now determined to be a superconductive energy field of high-spin metallurgy.

More and more evidence is showing that ancient cultures such as the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians used an exotic substance to feed their etheric or light body. This substance was called Starfire, Sho Bread or White Powder Gold. Or to give it it’s modern term, Monatomic Gold.

Monatomic Elements.

Star Food contains large amounts of natural Monatomic Gold, Monatomic Rhodium and Monatomic Iridium. Its superior formulation contains more Monatomic elements than products such as Etherium Gold and Liquid Chi. Plus you get the added bonus of totally organic nutrition.


Order today and experience the power of Star Food

Start your journey today. Add Star Food to your daily routine and give your body and spirit the best chance of optimum health, growth and expansion.

Star Food is a unique and superior formulation. No other product with monatomic gold comes close to it in standard of manufacture and quality. It is a totally unique high quality product developed with love and care.